Friday, March 11, 2011


So Yeah I haven't really been posting since I Don't Know why but everytime I make A banner i have to leave so i Can't save it which Sucks Donkey Butt...Excuse My Language.
Well anyway Have You Heard of the Tsunami That Hit Japan? You may think how the Hell is That related to Stardoll But it is... You don't know but Maybe one of our Stardoll Friends Might have Lived in japan and was hit.
So I just want to inform you all about it.
Also Have You Taken The Stardoll Survey? They are probably thinking of ways to improve the site. But Probably when It's improved people will be complaining saying its Shit.
Remember the Big Stardoll Makeover in 09' or 10'?
People Could Not Shut up About it....Including me...
People could not find the Log Out Button....Or anything.
The "Make over" will not be big most likely just a quick little change here and there.
But Still...
It's A Change!
Erm...I wonder How many New Stores Will open up In the Star Plaza..
If Any.
I wonder What type of Make-up Brands I'm really hoping they open a MAC store.
How About You?
What do you want to be Changed?
What Stores Added?


  1. Hey Nice post I think that it is sad about the Tsunami in Japan didnt one hit the pacific as well today??

  2. Really? Maybe, but I don't think so since there hasn't been any news about it. They say it might hit in the Pacific soon. I'm hoping it doesn't.
    And thank you :D

  3. Your welcome and Oh I thought there was going to be one really soon but it cold be in the middle of next week or something :D
