Monday, May 16, 2011

Stardoll Mole-Art... A Wacky New Craze?

A new fashion sensation has hit Stardoll. Recently members have been jazzing their medolls up with unique designs involving 'moles.' These consist of sprials, swirls, random lines and even eyelashes. This new trend has inspired hundreds of members and has now become extremely common. Not only that, but quite a few Stardoll members use other accessories to make their medolls that little bit more original. So why not give it a go? Kit up your medollies using these unique techniques.

By Jessica... x


  1. I've noticed that's very creative, but I don't know if it's for me....I'll see! XD

  2. Lol... same here. But I'm thinking of making my medoll a bit crazier. x]
