Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cute Summer or Winter look!

Hey dollies(;

So for some of you right now it's winter and for the others (like me) it's Summer (:

So I thought I would show how to make your medolls suit your weather !

Starting of you with you who are cold,

I call it The ice princess (cheesy , I know) ... lol

As you can see in the picture to make it look like this just use the mascara around only the edge, use the white eyeliner in the left corner of the eye, using the blue penicl go around one half of the eye, do the same with the white but on the other half. Using a darker blue put a circle type thing inbetween the white & blue. On the right of that put the light blue shadow & LUXE eye dust. On the other side do the white. Put a teardrop on the corner of the eyeball !

In the picture/s above, I have used:


Dot , liquid eyeliner = 3sd
Dot, white eyeshadow = 5sd
I used a blue eyeshadow from dot which they don't seem to have anymore but
the malibu blue shadowstick would do fine . = 9sd
white eyepencil = 6sd
Thistle Down Eyepencil = 7sd
LUXE frozen eye dust = 22sd
Dot, Black volumising mascara = 3sd

The blush I used isn't in stores any more, but Dots,
warm apricot blush (8sd) would work fine .
Dot, Sunset Gold lipstick = 8sd

I will post the Summer look Later or Tomorro (:

xx nins353